Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research,planning and
evaluation stages?

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Question 3

what have you learned from your audience feedback?

We created questionnaires to see what our audience thought of our documentary and ancillary taks. Here are our results and what we learned from the feedback.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

This image from our documentary links heavily with our poster and subject matter. The colours are very similar and therefore symbolise the same things - purity, calmness etc. as these are the things we try to show our audience to associate religion/Mormonism with.  
 The book of Mormon features heavily in our topic and is essential to our mise-en-scene. On the right is a screen shot of the opening of our documentary and on the left, one of our ancillary texts. These obviously link well. Although both books are different colours, we feel they still provide continuity as we used warm colours (blue and yellow) as they are symbolic of happiness, tranquility and peace; the exact association with religion that we strived to provide.

Audience theory
This is is to do with the effects our documentary has on its audience - normally with documentaries, especially expository ones, the effect is of a negative nature. However we strived for ours to have positive effect on both our audience and the Mormon community.

Reception theory
This is the meaning/message we strived to convey to our audience. We aimed to reflect a message that religion isn't all bad, and that the majority of religious individuals are not spiteful or extremists; that they are in-fact normal human beings.

The ideology of religion when it is in the media is normally that of a negative representation. That religious groups are threatening contemporary society and the way we function.

The opposite of stereo types. The religious stereotypes are of up-tight god fearing people who don't allow fun and think everyone but their own community is going to hell. Our documentary reveals strong counter-types as we represent the mormon community and young religious individuals as open minded, normal people who live very similar lives to everyone else.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Tuesday, 10 March 2015


During this time my group and I have been working on our evaluation. We planned out exactly what media (and how many types of media) we would use to answer each question and also planned in bullet points what we would write and include in each answer. We did all the questions together as we felt we all worked best in a team. We completed all of our evaluation questions and uploaded them to our blogs.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015


In this time my group and I have been editing our final documentary, we had the draft marked and made many improvements to the final piece. We added music transitions, time lapses amongst other things. We also planned and did research for our ancillary task which was to make three posters advertising our documentary and a double page spread about the documentary and the documentarian. We looked into many different types of TV magazines and advertising posters and analyzed them so we could see what we wanted to use in our own work. We also completed the ancillary tasks in this time and uploaded all the work to our blogs, we also uploaded our final documentary to youtube and have added that to our blogs as well.